The World Best Salon Bitkileri


Croton plants comprise brilliant leaves. It has affected multi-hued leaves. These tropical broadleaf evergreens develop gradually. Croton plants need brilliant, however backhanded light and a lot of dampness, in spite of the fact that they could do without living in wet soil. Trust that the dirt will dry prior to watering. Diminish watering in pre-winter and winter. This plant, called the little gem in citrus organic products, has wonderful organic products. It requires soil wealth in natural matter. Loves the sun. It likewise has a pleasant fragrance. The white blossoms that show up in the spring are trailed by the natural products in the mid-year.


Desert flora is one of the least demanding plants to really focus on. These plants flourish in normal light and may require somewhat more watering  Salon Bitkileri throughout the spring and mid-year months as the weather conditions are warm. By controlling the dirt dampness, the water system period ought to be resolved not excessively often. If you like exotic species, you will likewise adore Guzmania with yellow and red leaves arising out of the center of green leaves. Flooding 2-3 times each week in summer and when seven days in cold weather days is adequate. While buying, ensure that the plant is light green in variety and has a lot of leaves.


Yucca plants flourish very well in brilliant, circuitous light. In immediate, direct light leaves can consume. It can likewise get by in low light, regardless of whether it develops gradually. It needn't bother with a ton of water. You can determine whether the top portion of the dirt is dry by checking to assume it is dehydrated.t cherishes light and is cheerful in warm conditions. It is a simple plant to really focus on. It doesn't need a lot of water, ensure the dirt is soggy. You can develop blossoms of various tones like orange, yellow, pink, and red in pots before the window.


Throughout the mid-year, you ought to water your plant bounteously and furthermore splash its leaves with water. In winter, it is adequate to water the dirt so it doesn't dry out. They favor splendid light however adjust to low light. The adorable little plants that structure at the finishes of the twigs can be culled when they have little root tubers and set in one more soil to get new plants. It additionally shows solid development in damp conditions. In summer, you ought to water it bounteously, and showering the leaves with water is sufficient. He wouldn't be glad to be moved.


Maranta plant additionally called petitioning heaven plant, has exceptionally veined leaves that twist as though supplicating around evening time. It is a simple plant to really focus on as long as it gets moderate light. Permit the dirt to dry out a piece between waterings.t develops well with little consideration. It has no blossoms. The leaves stand out with their beauty. Dracaena has an enthusiastic, building structure and likes medium to splendid light, and somewhat clammy soil. Inordinate water systems ought to be kept away from. Any other way, it will drop its leaves and your plant will create despondently.


 It could do without being in direct daylight. Plentiful watering in spring and summer reinforces the plant. During the blossoming time frame, you ought to diminish how much water. Assuming that you change the pot consistently in April, it will become better. It is one of the most favored plants among indoor plants. This exemplary tropical palm loves to live in brilliant rooms. This plant most certainly needs splendid light to flourish. Permit the dirt to dry out a piece between waterings.


 In the event that you have an enormous region, this plant would be an optimal decision for you. It stands out with its embellishing appearance. It is additionally dependable. It can't grow stronger when it is excessively hot. You ought to ensure that the climate where it is found is splendid and less humid. Peace lily's gleaming leaves and intriguing spoon-formed white blossoms add style to any setting. They are great in low to medium light circumstances. However, they sprout better with brilliant light. Permit the dirt to dry out between waterings.


The elephant ear plant (alocasia) has a great appearance with its white stripes on its green leaves. It prefers direct daylight. The parts that see the daylight have an inclination towards the light. The pot ought to be pivoted consistently so the parts that are in the shade can likewise see the sun. The back of the leaves of the bloom with white or pink stripes is purple. Transmit blossoms are hanging blossoms. It is an evergreen plant. In the event that you develop it by hanging, it acquires a superior appearance and creates.


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